Thursday, November 13, 2008


Canada - Colombia

In Canada the most used means of transport are the big buses, which make her stop at each station, in a certain place in the city, each person buys his ticket and the bus limps corresponding to the address you want to go. There are also taxis that stop at any place you plan on passengers. Almost works like Colombia, taxis with minimum rate, companies that control it and that gives them permits the government to drive public transportation as drivers. Bogota buses operate in large, that environment is called Transmilenio, with timetables, routes and stations at various sites in the city. In Canada and in Colombia there are buses that take you from one city to another, and your rate is higher depending on the distance that they want to travel, with major airports in major cities, the largest in Canada was in Ottawa and in Colombia in Bogota. In Colombia, unlike Canada operate small buses that stop in the city where the person you want, anywhere in the streets and in Canada that does not work but only in the French stations.

by: laura sanchez

educational systems

Canadian- Colombia

The education system in Canada encompasses both schools that receive public funds such as private schools. Education is to be handled according to the province, according to the Canadian constitution, that is governed in several places a certain kind of way to educate, but throughout the country the standard of learning is high. The high school in Canada ends at 11.12 years and 13, before entering a university. The school year normally starts in September and ends in June next year. Although in some starts in January and ends in November. In Colombia as in Canada there are also private and public institutions, children are put in the garden and end its year college degree in 11. The school year begins in January and ends in November, on schedule A, B began on schedule in September and ends in June, too.
by: laura sanchez

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brazil-Colombia Educational System

The education system in Brazil

Brazil has public and private sectors in education, but the difference is that public is free for all the people that live there but the building structures and all the things that has the schools are in terrible condition, and teachers are not well educated to teach and the other one is not free and the schools ate in good condition and educated teachers are better than the other one. a child may enter at age at 7 up to 17.
Education levels
They are divided into three levels: fundamental, intermediate, and higher education, after that remains undergraduate and graduate. But the children that has 7 they have to do preschool or infant education.

The education System in Colombia

Colombia has also public and private in urban and rural areas. The education levels are preschool or kindergarten, elementary school that are five years, and high school six years, but the problem is that girls were somewhat more likely to attend high school than boys. A child may enter age at 4 when they are in kindergarten and then when they have 6 enter to the school. After that people can attend university and studied whatever they want.

Writing by MCE

Brazil - Colombia Transportation

Brazil - Colombia Transportation

Brazil transportation
One of the most important vehicles in roads are motor vehicles, that is used to passenger cars and commercial vehicles. Roads are the primary carriers of freight and passenger traffic. Brazil has also railway system, but the problem is that system has been declining since 1945, when emphasis shifted to highway construction. Highly Developer in Brazil is the air transportation because has local and international airlines transported, airports like Rio de Janeiro's Galeao international airport and Sao Paulo's Guarulhos International Airport are by far the most active.

Colombia Transportation

Owing to the mountainous terrain, air transportation has become the most important means of travel for most passengers. Most of the country's air transportation is handled by the six principal airports at Bogotá, Barranquilla Medellin, Cali, Cartagena and San Andreas.Another important transport in Colombia is transported by road, like cars, transmilenio, taxis, buses etc, because Colombia has one of the highest ratios of paved roads per inhabitant in Latin America

Writing by MCE

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

main of transport in colombia

In Bogota the transport system is a little different that venezuela. We have 24,800 buses for urban transport, but have not fully organized routes. the Transmilenio is the main of transport more used in bogota; the cost of the Transmilenio is 1300 and 1500 colombian pesos, depending on the station. The buses are cheaper, you have to pay between $1000 and $1250 colombian pesos, depends on the bus. Of course you can talk to the driver and maybe he give you a low price.
and also we have a meter in medellin; it is very fast.

writting by: Lina M Bojacá

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Education systems in venezuela and colombia

The educational system includes preprimary through higher and professional education. There are also a number of technical and trade schools for those who prefer a less formal education or for those who need to enter the labor market at a faster rate. The country has 900 high schools and 17 public universities.
The academic year for public education starts in September and ends in June. At the end of the year, students who have done poorly have the opportunity to pass the course by passing a make-up exam. Although education is generally free.
Education systems in Colombia
In general, the academic structure of the educational system in Colombia begin with Preschool or kindergarten is usually in private hands. Primary schooling in Colombia begins with five years and finished the high school with 17 years aproximatly. Generally, these six years of secondary education appear together. Upon finishing that level, the students may pass on to some kind of technical training or commercial studies, or they can attend university and eventually pursue graduate studies.

The National Ministry of Education offers two options for the school calendar. One option begins in February, offers a four-week vacation in June and July, and finishes in November. The second option begins in September, offers a four-week vacation in December, and finishes in June. Both systems offer 198 days of school attendance.
Some schools offer bilingual opportunities and employ languages like French, German, or English for instruction. In general, Spanish is used in most schools, especially those in those rural areas where Spanish is the dominant language.
written by: lina m bojaca

biography Bill Gates

Bill gates was born in Seattle Washington on October 28 1995; he is the co-founder of the computer –software company called Microsoft.
His father was a lawyer and his mother was very active in the community.
He attended public school until he was 12. He then went to a private school.
He met and became friends with Paul Allen; he was very good at math and at 13 he began to work with computers.
Paul and he worked together on computer projects and had their own small company in high school
In 1973 he went to Harvard University; in 1975 gates an Allen moved to New Mexico and started Microsoft
In 1979 they moved their company to Seattle
In 1980 the company developed a computer for people to use at home
And finally in 1995 it bought out the internet explorer browser.
He has a wife and 3 children.

written by: Lina M Bojacá