Thursday, November 6, 2008

Brazil-Colombia Educational System

The education system in Brazil

Brazil has public and private sectors in education, but the difference is that public is free for all the people that live there but the building structures and all the things that has the schools are in terrible condition, and teachers are not well educated to teach and the other one is not free and the schools ate in good condition and educated teachers are better than the other one. a child may enter at age at 7 up to 17.
Education levels
They are divided into three levels: fundamental, intermediate, and higher education, after that remains undergraduate and graduate. But the children that has 7 they have to do preschool or infant education.

The education System in Colombia

Colombia has also public and private in urban and rural areas. The education levels are preschool or kindergarten, elementary school that are five years, and high school six years, but the problem is that girls were somewhat more likely to attend high school than boys. A child may enter age at 4 when they are in kindergarten and then when they have 6 enter to the school. After that people can attend university and studied whatever they want.

Writing by MCE

1 comment:

Cherozze said...

You did a great job, I hope you learned something this semester!